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Removing The Soldier From The Battlefield

Employing Augmented Reality for Remote Assistance Tasks on Deployments

Conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past 15 years saw an increase in civilian contractor and level 3 support to front line troops. Yet as the tempo and magnitude of operations has decreased so has the number of soldiers we have to draw from.  Whilst recruitment campaigns strive to attract more recruits, the MoD must look to alternative solutions to provide support to front line troops.  This article demonstrates how Augmented Reality (AR) can provide one such alternative in providing the immediate and intimate support to deployed personnel whilst reducing the need for expensive contractors or level 3 support.  

Why should we bother with AR?

In Aug 2018 TATRC (2018) reported how the Augmented Reality Forward Surgical Care (ARFSC)”Telestration Team” conducted testing using (AR) to To support prolonged field medical care in austere environments and in locations where trauma or combat surgeons aren’t available. Using AR technology deployed surgeons are able to receive images from remote assistance support teams in the form of pictures, videos and audio whilst having the freedom to use his or her hands.  In addition, the deployed surgeon can stream live video and audio back to the remote assistance support team in real time.  This solution provides an opportunity for military personnel to receive real-time support from several sources using multi-media solutions whilst deployed in austere locations. 

Yet it is not only in the medical sphere that the military can benefit from AR technologies. The engineering elements associated with the military could also benefit.  In March 2018 Globalnewswire.com(2018) announced that the company Librestream, were supporting Safran Helicopter Engines through the use of remote video technical assistance services.  Using AR technology, deployed engineers are supported by remote experts to assist in technical diagnostics and maintenance. This is significantly reducing the cost associated with these engineering tasks by negating the need to deploy expensive contractors and experts by first diagnosing the fault and in many cases, repairing the fault ‘at-reach’ without the need for a deployment at all. 

How can the military employ this cutting edge tech?

Uttey (2006) reported that civilian contractors accounted for 1 in 60 of deployed personnel in Iraq during 2001. In Bosnia the ratio had become 1 to 10; then in Kosovo it was 1 to 2. Statistics for the Iraq deployment indicated a ratio of approximately 1 to 1.5 contractors to each member of the military. This is further collaborated by Moore and Antil (2011) who show that the growing trend is closer toa 1:1 ratio.  It is not just the amount of personnel that is surprising, in a earlier paper Uttely (2005)shows that £350-£400million was spent on contractor support in addition to paying KBR £1.5 million per annum for per annum to provide planning and advice about potential contractor capability over the 8 year conflict. In fact Utterly (2005) shows that £2.3 billion of the MoD’s annual budget is used for “contracted for availability and capability” on deployed operations.  These costs combined with the fact that A NationalAudit Office report shown in The Guardian (2019) found the number of full-time military personnel was 5.7% or 8,200 people, short of the required level, shows there is a need to find a solution to remote assistance and support to deployed personnel.  The technologies shown in the initial section of this paper could be used to reduce these costs and shortfalls. 

The AR services used by the ARFSC “Telestration Team” could easily be implemented by deployed medical teams, reducing the need to deploy civilian doctors forward into dangerous environments. Instead, experts can be made available ‘at-reach’ to provide clinical support to deployed personnel. In addition, the Liberstream technology currently being used to support engineering tasks on oil rigs and by vehicle manufactures could provide much needed support to military engineering support tasks on aircraft or vehicles.  For example, during the Afghan campaign, Camp Bastion was a hive of contractors providing level 3 support to engineering tasks.  The communication provision into this location was such that it could easily support the technologies currently in-service in the civilian sector. However, this does raise the question of authority to conduct work without on-site expert authority. 

How do we make this a reality?

One of the main stumbling points and reasoning for having CONtractors Deployed on OperationS (CONDOS) during recent conflicts was to provide expertise on the front line. However, using AR technologies, this expertise can be provided ‘at-reach’ but the question of expert accreditation of the work must be addressed.  In a recent report AINOnline (2018) show how the Federal Airline Authority (FAA) are developing a draft advisory circular to provide guidance for using remote connectivity and tools to conduct inspections and repairs on aircraft.  Trials using Liberstream technologies aims to cut costs and provide a better level of support to deployed technicians and engineers.  This is being supported by the FAA who have sent a letter confirming the legality of remote witnessing and virtual inspection and supporting the development of a policy statement.

If the FAA is able to embrace and employ this technology, it sets the precedence for AR technology to be used across a range of sectors, including the military.  Using the policies and technologies available already, the MoD could employ AR technology to support its deployed forces across several operational Theatres in the provision of engineering and medical support.  These themes were recently discussed at length during a focus group held at 51X where military and civilian personnel came together to discuss options for the use of AR in support of operational tasks. The ideas went far beyond medical and engineering but spanned an array of inspections and roles ranging from Health and Safety auditing of units across the UK to supporting EOD operations overseas.  

So what?

The progression and improvement of AR technologies now provides a real opportunity to reduce the costs and staffing burden of contract support currently employed by the MoD.  The trials conducted by ARFSC and Librestream combined with the policy changes being introduced by the FAA provide the basis of an opportunity for the MoD to be at the forefront of this technological revolution. In the current climate of austerity and increased recruiting shortfalls, the MoD must look towards technology to overcome these challenges.To achieve this, the MoD should look to trial AR technologies whilst reviewing and developing policy to support the remote assistance and inspection regime.  The areas around reach-back communications, security of information and International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)must also be fully explored to understand the benefits and constraints that AR can bring.

Resources and Further Reading:

Volvousing the Realwear HMT-1 for truck repairs. A example of AR in action.

Example of engineeringinspections being conducted ‘at reach’ using AR.

Jimmy Samuel
Capt Jimmy Samuel has served 24 years as both a Soldier and Officer in the Royal Signals.  He has been at the forefront of delivering mission critical communication to all levels of Defence and across Government. Most recently, he has worked to exploit opportunities through his work with the JHUB to improve service delivery through the intervention of new technology.   He is passionate about finding better ways of working through innovation and improving current processes.

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