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The Lt Cdr Hooper Essay Competition 2024 – A Fantastic Foursome!

Giving our people a platform

Here at The Wavell Room, our message has always been loud and consistent: critical thinking and writing is not (and should never be) just an ‘officers’ sport’.  Professional development amongst the serving community must always be encouraged, and given the exceptional intelligence, insight and quality of our people their voices must be heard.

To that end, it is an absolute pleasure to be able to announce that the Royal Navy has granted us permission to publish the best placed articles written for this year’s edition of the Lt Cdr Hooper essay competition. This annual event is open to Junior Ratings and Other Ranks in all branches of the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Royal Fleet Auxiliary and Maritime Reserves; including those holding acting higher rank (i.e. Substantive Leading Hand / Corporal and below).

The Challenge

Each year, three questions are offered up for analysis and response. This year, the titles on offer were:

  1. Memes or Missiles? Should we invest more in Information Operations?
  2. It is more than 40 years since the Falklands conflict. Evaluate the challenges the Royal Navy face if it was to engage in a non-UN/NATO supported conflict in the Southern hemisphere.
  3. Allyship in the Royal Navy. Why is it important and how is it going?

Winners – 2024

It was so tough to judge this year, that some extra prize money was rustled up to allow for a Joint 3rd Place finisher. BZ to all, and we at the Wavell Room very much hope that you enjoy their musings.

First Place

ET(ME) Joseph Hardiman – Essay 2

Second Place

Leading Naval Nurse Esme Clayton – Essay 1

Third Place (Joint)

AB David Dulla – Essay 2

LH(EW) Lewis Batch – Essay 2

The Lt Cdr Hooper Prize is supported by the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity

The Lt Cdr Hooper Prize

This annual essay competition commemorating the late Lt Cdr Geoffrey William Winsmore Hooper OBE RN is open to all Junior Ratings across the Royal Navy and aims to broaden current affairs knowledge. Prize money is provided from a trust fund established in 1952 by Lt Cdr Hooper’s mother. Aged only 30, Geoffrey Hooper was killed in a motor accident 2nd January 1923 in Hong Kong.

Anyone keen to enter the 2025 competition should look out for the relevant RNTM on the RN Intranet.

Lt Cdr GWW Hooper OBE RN

Nick is a serving Royal Navy officer and has spent the last dozen years "doing logistics" in various exciting places around the globe. And Portsmouth. He is Senior Maritime Editor for the Wavell Room and is fortunate enough to have been selected as a First Sea Lord Fellow, 2022-24.

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