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Category : Book Reviews

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#WavellReviews “Blood, Metal and Dust: How victory turned to defeat in Afghanistan and Iraq” by Brigadier (retd) Ben Barry

The Wavell Room Team
Rather than cutting off when large scale US /UK deployments ended, the author catches the reader up to the current situation as at publication.  The...
Book ReviewsConcepts and Doctrine

#WavellReviews ‘Adaptation under Fire: How Militaries Change in Wartime’ by Lt. General (Ret’d) David Barno and Nora Bensahel.

The Wavell Room Team
This book offers significant context and substance to our collective understanding of military change and how we conceptualise adaptability.  Its clarity and purpose is refreshing...
Book ReviewsCapabilities and SpendingConcepts and Doctrine

#WavellReviews – “War by Others’ Means” by Dr Jack Watling and Nick Reynolds (A RUSI paper)

The difficulty of extricating from expeditionary campaigns makes the use of deniable, ‘fire and forget’ assistance from special forces appealing to governments with an eye...